Article I: NAME
The name of this organization shall be the Massachusetts Baseball Coaches Association.
Section I: To foster and promote the game of baseball for the youth of Massachusetts.
Section 2: To provide a recognized body to submit ideas, suggestions and problems pertinent to baseball for consideration and action by the M.I.A.A.
Section 3: To bring together those who have a common interest in baseball to discuss problems and to provide the best possible conditions for improving the game.
Section I: There shall be three classes of membership “ active, allied, honorary.
a) Active membership shall consist of individuals who are actively coaching baseball from grades seven through twelve in Massachusetts. New England College coaches are eligible for active membership.
b) Allied membership shall consist of individuals who are actively coaching baseball in youth leagues and other persons who are interested in baseball. They may attend meetings but not vote or hold office.
c) Honorary membership may be conferred upon any individual who has been an officer in the Association and is no longer actively coaching baseball and upon any individual who, because of his valuable contribution to the game of baseball, shall be nominated by the Executive Committee and elected by two-thirds vote of the Association present. Honorary members may attend meetings but not vote.
Section 1: The officers of this Association, elected from the active members, shall be a President, a First Vice-President, a Second Vice-President, a Secretary/Treasurer, and an Assistant Secretary.
Section 2: The term of office for each officer shall be for two years, except that of the Secretary/Treasurer and the Assistant Secretary who may serve for an indefinite period of time.
Section 3: The slate of officers shall be presented by the Nominating Committee at the annual meeting.
Section 4: Election of officers shall take place at the annual meeting, at which time they shall take office.
Section 5: Vacancies in offices, other than President, shall be filled temporarily by the Executive Committee and approved by the Association at the following meeting.
Section 6: No member shall be eligible for election to office who has not been a member of the organization for the minimum of one year.
Section 1: There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the elected officers of the Association, all past Presidents and past officers, At Large Members, and sixteen active members duly recommended and approved by the Executive Committee.
Section 2: This committee shall formulate policies and plans.
Section 3: The President of the Association shall serve as chairman of the Executive Committee.
Section 4: Vacancies occurring among the members of the Executive Committee, shall be filled temporarily by the Executive Committee and approved by the Association at the following meeting.
Section 5: There will be four from each district: Western Massachusetts, Central Massachusetts, Eastern Massachusetts North, and Eastern Massachusetts South.
Section 6: “At Large” Members may be nominated by the President and approved by the Executive Committee. “At Large” Members have voting rights.
Section 1: The Standing Committees shall be appointed by the President.
Section 2: Standing Committees may be as follows:
a) Nominating Committee
b) Clinic Committee
c) Membership Committee
d) Hall of Fame Committee
e) Hospitality Committee
f) Publicity Committee
g) Scholarship Committee
Section 1: The annual meeting shall be held in the winter for the purposes of hearing reports from the Standing Committees, holding election of officers, and to consider any other old or new business. The winter meeting shall also consist of a coaching clinic and Hall of Fame induction, and an Honors Luncheon.
Section 2: Special meetings may be called by the President, the Executive Committee, or on application of twelve members of the Association.
Section 3: Fifteen members of the Association, in good standing, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at the annual meeting.
Section 1: The Association shall recognize the passing of any of its members by either a floral tribute, a spiritual remembrance, or donation to a scholarship memorial. A member of the Hospitality Committee will ordinarily take care of this duty; if, however, any member realizes that the Association has failed to act in a situation of this kind, the person may be authorized by the President to provide an appropriate remembrance. The bill shall be forwarded to the Secretary/Treasurer for reimbursement.
Section 1: This constitution may be amended at any business meeting of the association by a two-thirds majority of the present and duly accredited members.
Section 1: With a two-thirds vote of the membership present at a meeting, a member may be suspended for one year for conduct unbecoming to our Association standards.
Article II: DUES
Section 1: The annual dues of active members shall be $55.00.
Section 2: Allied members shall pay a membership fee of $55.00.
Section 3: Honorary members dues shall be waived.
Section 4: Any member who fails to pay his annual dues for the period of one year shall have his name removed from the active file.
Section 1: The President shall preside at all meetings. The President shall exercise general supervision over the affairs and activities of the Association and shall serve as a member ex-officio on all standing committees. The President shall serve as Chairperson of the Executive Committee.
Section 2: The First Vice President shall assume the duties of the President during the President’s absence.
Section 3: If the First Vice President is absent, the Second Vice President shall assume the duties of the First vice President. The Second Vice President shall be responsible for recording the minutes of all executive committee meetings and distributing them for approval at the next executive committee meeting..
Section 4: The Secretary/Treasurer shall be the custodian of all Association records, conduct correspondence, and perform such other duties as the office may require. The Secretary/Treasurer shall receive and safeguard all Association funds and shall make an annual report of receipts and disbursements. Furthermore, the Secretary/Treasurer shall coordinate the duties of the executive committee members responsible for :
a) Clinic program directory
b) Clinic registration
c) Membership records
Section 1: The Executive Committee shall have the general direction and control of the affairs of the Association, and shall establish the dues structure for the baseball coaches association.
Section 2: No matter, not previously acted upon and approved by the Executive Committee, shall be acted upon by the general membership assembled at a regular meeting.
Section 3: The Executive Committee shall meet at least twice a year, prior to the annual meeting. At these meetings, the Committee shall approve or disapprove all matters presented by members for consideration. Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the President or upon written request of five members of this Committee.
Section 4: The Executive Committee shall recommend to this Association one member of the Executive Board to serve on the Massachusetts State Baseball Tournament Committee sponsored by the M.I.A.A. The Executive Committee shall present recommendations to be considered by the M.I.A.A. concerning tournament play.
Section 5: Ten members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.
Section 1: The Nominating Committee shall be responsible for recommending the best qualified candidates for Association officers and members of the Executive Committee.
Section 2: The Clinic Committee shall be responsible for making arrangements and conducting the Winter Clinic.
Section 3: The Membership Committee shall be responsible for encouraging members to participate in all Association activities and to orient prospective members to the aims and objectives of the Association, and administer clinic registration.
Section 4: The Hall of Fame Committee shall be responsible for presenting nominees to the Executive Committee at its fall meeting coaches who have coached high school baseball in Massachusetts, and because of their length of service, devotion to the game of baseball, and contribution to the development of youth, are qualified to become members of the Massachusetts Baseball Coaches Hall of Fame. Requirements for entry to the Hall of Fame are:
a) Length of service should be a minimum of 15 years of high school baseball coaching.
b) A nominee who has coached high school baseball 15 years must be retired for a minimum of 2 years.
c) A nominee who has coached high school baseball more than 20 years is automatically eligible for Hall-of-Fame nomination.
d) The list of criteria for selection may include: character, longevity, activity in the Association, and record.
Section 5: The Hospitality Committee shall be responsible for sending a communication to a member relative to illness, condolence, or act deserving of congratulatory recognition.
Section 6: The Publicity Committee shall be responsible for informing news media of the activities of the Association. The Publicity Committee shall be responsible for publishing the Massachusetts Baseball Coaches Association Newsletter.
Section 1: Robert™s Rules of Order, Revised, shall be the parliamentary authority for this organization on all matters not covered by the Constitution and By-Laws of this organization.
Section 1: Any amendment to these By-Laws may be proposed at any regular meeting, to be adopted at the following meeting by a majority vote of the present and duly accredited members.
Section 1: The order of business at all meetings of this Association shall be as follows:
a) Meeting called to order
b) Secretary’s roll call
c) Formal introduction of any new members
d) Secretary’s report
e) Treasurer’s report
f) Communications
g) Reports of Standing Committee
h) Unfinished business
i) New business
j) Adjournment
Section 1: A committee shall be established to review the constitution and by-laws every three years. All Executive Board members shall receive an updated copy of the constitution and by-laws at the beginning of each new business year.
Revised: 3/96 , 3 /99 , 10/02 , 10/04 , 10/06 , 12/10, 12/22